

Pre-registration means the host invite visitors in advance.

Click Visitor to enter the Visitor page, then click Preregistration to enter the Preregistration list page. You can do the following in the Preregistration page:

1. Click "New visitor" to enter the pre-registered visitor information drawer page, where you can add the visitor's Name, Timeframe, Start Time, Visitor Type, Host, Location, Company, Notes and whether to send an email.

2. After inputting visitor information, click the "Submit" button to add new pre-registered visitors successfully. If you tick Host, and send email, then both Host and visitor will correspond to the prompt email.


3. Click "Edit" button, you can edit this record, you can modify the Name, Timeframe, Start Time, Host, Company and Note.


4. You can click the "Delete" button after ticking the data. You can delete all the ticked visitors  or delete a single visitor.

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